"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Marianne Williamson

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Poodle Hair!

Here a few pictures of my new doo. Saturday morning I woke up and thought, "I love curly hair. I'm going to get a perm." So, I rolled out of bed and decided to drag my dear ol' momma to come with me. I don't think she liked it very much, but it'll grow on her. Afterwards, we made our own country song something like this, "My dog died so I permed my hair. I don't need a dog now because I have poodle hair!" (With howling in the background of course). Haha.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a Pleasant Surprise!

On Monday I was supposed to go pick up dad from the car shop where he left the car. He told me he would start walking and to look for him on the side o the road. I hung up the phone (I was still in bed because I wasn't feeling well), and fell back asleep. I woke up 20 minutes later and was like, "Uh-Oh!" So, I hurry to my car (didn't brush my teeth or even change my clothes, I was still wearing Sunday clothes) and there's the UPS truck in the driveway. I managed to barely slip my car out and just figured a package for dad had come. When we got back to the house, I told him a package had come. He handed me the package and said it was for me. I was shocked, I figured dad had ordered me something and it was going to be a surprise when I opened it. Well, it was a surprise when I opened it, it just wasn't from dad. It was this cute little yellow book and the packing slip said it came from Amy. I was shocked! Pleasantly shocked! It said that this book was to inspire me to write to help me heal (even if I didn't want to heal). So, I immediately took it up to my room and read the whole thing. It was very cute and I loved it. Then, it turns out there was another package! For me again! It was another book. Very thin book that was "To make me laugh." It most definitely made me laugh. It was hilarious. I encourage everyone to read these books. Thank you Amy for that pleasant surprise.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Have you ever wanted something so badly, but no matter how hard you tried or how much you begged you just couldn't have it? Have you ever felt as if the more you prayed for something the farther from your grasp it crept? I have gone my whole life with the attitude that if I wanted something badly enough, I could have it. I knew that the best things in life aren't just given to you. After this many years, I sit here for the first time wanting something so badly, that I've worked so hard for and I don't have it. Begging. Pleading. Praying. Wishing. Hoping. Nothing. I can't because of a reason that only God knows for sure. I can't because of another person's choices. I can't because I didn't work hard enough while I did have it. Now what?


Pain comes in many forms. First off, there's the physical pain. You can pinpoint exactly where you're hurting and what kind of pain it is. Is it shooting pain? Does it come in waves? Is it sharp? Is it a dull pain? Second, there's emotional pain. The kind that can quite possibly result in physical pain. The kind that causes you to dread waking up in the morning. The kind that can put a damper on everything you do. The kind that makes you unintentionally treat others differently. The kind that questions who you truly are. It is constant. It is everywhere. It hurts in places that you can't describe. This pain is triggered by the slightest memory, smell, thought or sight.
I am hurting emotionally. I've been hurting, but have been trying to hold it in; toughen up because of the lack of understanding from others. I hurt every time someone doesn't understand and expects me to be fine. I hurt everytime someone professes to understand, because I know they really don't. This hurt is brought on by someone that I love very much making decisions that will cause unhappiness in the long run. I hurt everytime I go to church and see others living the life I've always wanted. I hurt when I read my journal of times when I was happy. I hurt when I try and fall asleep at night, wondering what he's doing. I hurt when I think of moving on. I hurt when I see his family and how badly I wanted to be apart of it. I hurt when I think of my future. The future that was once so beautiful and hard, but I could take it on with him! The future that is now bleak and dark, the one I don't want. I hurt when I kneel down on the side of my bed and when I beg Heavenly Father to do something, something to make him realize. I hurt looking in the mirror and wishing I could be beautiful for him. I hurt picking out outfits that I know he would love. I hurt when I listen to songs that could've describe our lives perfectly. I hurt so bad when I go to dances and remember all of the times he held me close and swayed to the music. I hurt when I can't act myself because my heart is literally shattered in my chest. Mostly I hurt when I have a spiritual experience that makes me so happy and I can't share it with him.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Be Ok - Ingrid Michaelson


I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today

I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today

Open me up and you will see
I'm a gallery of broken hearts
I'm beyond repair, let me be
And give me back my broken parts

Just give me back my pieces
Just give them back to me please
Just give me back my pieces
And let me hold my broken parts

I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today

I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today
I just want to know today, know today, know today
Know that maybe I will be ok

Friday, November 7, 2008

Faith Without Works is Dead. Right?

Today, as I sat in the dentist's chair waiting, I had a lot of time on my hands to think. Lately I try to avoid this, but it was actually beneficial. As the dentist was walking back to get my new crown, I said a silent prayer that everything would work out and I wouldn't have to go through any more nonsense with this tooth. At that moment, I had complete faith that no matter what happened I knew it would work out. As I sat there and thought about this I was proud of myself for this and began to think about my faith-o-meter. The more I thought about it, I felt shameful. There I was sitting there thinking about how wonderful I was because I had faith when I didn't have to do any work. Anyone can have faith that Heavenly Father will take care of them when everything rests in His hands. But, what about the trials that require crucial actions on our part? How often do we pray and expect Heavenly Father to take care of us, yet we receive promptings and ignore them. How many times do we, do I, say "Alright Heavenly Father, help me out here." Then He says, "Alright...you need to do this" and I simply say, "Nah" or "Are you sure?" Then when we don't get the results we wanted we automatically feel as if the Lord has left us alone. He will never forsake us. The day when we completely turn our trust to Him, the day we find that He is always with us and will never leave our side is the day we truly find ourselves and truly live life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I think Obama's first move as President should be to rename the White House. It should now be called "The Crib." Haha. Just kidding.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Should be grateful, should be grateful, should be grateful...


My dad is retiring in February of 2009 and with that comes the ending of my insurance benefits. So, now I have to make all of those dentist and doctor appointments that I have purposely been putting off. So, I said to myself, "Self, why not just be a winner and get it taken care of." So, I called the dentist and made an appointment. Turns out, thanks to the Chavez soft teeth genes, I had a looooong list of things that I need to have taken care of.

First off, I had a cavity under a filling that my quack dentist did before. It had gotten to the point where they couldn't tell by the x-ray if it needed a root canal or not. It was way close. Anyway, they started drilling and finally got down deep enough to look and it didn't need a root canal. It did need a crown though. So, they filled 'er up and put a temporary crown on and took impressions for my crown. Man was that fun or what. So, for two weeks I had this temporary crown that felt like a biiiiig piece of cement in my mouth. I couldn't stop feeling it with my tongue and it eventually made the tip of my tongue raw. Ouch. Two weeks later I go back in for my permanant crown! Yesss, right? Nope. Crown didn't fit. My 30 minute simple appointment turned into an hour and a half appointment with a numb face and goob all down my cheek. Then, they were going to make me a new temporary, but that would be too easy. The impressions they took didn't even remotely fit my mouth. I almost wanted to scream at them, "Do you have the right one!?" Goodness gracious. So they put the OLD temporary back on (that was chipped from 2 weeks of eating food. That night, I sit down, just chillin' ya know, and the temporary crown popped off. Yay! It has now been two weeks since. Anytime I eat ANYTHING that causes suction, the crown pops off. Once, I was eating chocolate and I bit into something hard and I thought, "Man, I didn't know this had nuts." It didn't, I bit into my temp. crown and chipped it even more. I've called the dentist many times, but I can't make myself be pushy with the receptionists. They just answer phones.

Anywho, the other thing that was wrong was I had to have a root canal! Yay! I've had a stainless steel crown on one of my back molars (19 to be exact...) that I've had since I was about 6 or 7. I remember that exact day vividly that I got that on too. A couple of days before that I was chillin' in the bathroom suckin' on a sucker just minding my own. I was sittin' on the counter checkin' myself out in the mirror and the impatient little girl I was couldn't wait to get the tootsie roll (or was it gum?) out of the middle, so I decided to bite the sucka! I ended up breaking a huge chunk out of my tooth. I was horrified. I didn't want to tell my parents so I even tried to super glue the piece back on. Haha, obviously that didn't work. Anyway, they put that "silver tooth" on and I've grown up with that hideous piece of grossness in my mouth until recently. They couldn't see through the crown in the x-rays so they had to "pop" it off. After 15 minutes of the dentist yanking and drilling, I never did hear a "popping" noise. Haha. The dentist said before they took it off, "Now, I don't know what's under there. I'll prepare you for the worst. It could be mush and I we might need to pull it. Or, it might just need another crown." I almost wizzed in my pants right there. Thankfully, there was no mush and a root canal was all that was needed. My root was curved so I had to go to a specialist. Now, that was an experience. They didn't put me under or give me laughing gas. The locals however made me feel way weird. I didn't like it one bit. After two hours of my mouth wide open and drilling I was done. They cracked my temporary crown when they pulled it off, so they just put a sealant over it. When I get my permanent crown for the other tooth I'll get fitted for a crown on the bottom. Then wait another two weeks (if the lab doesn't mess up again).

And saving the best for last, I have to have my wisdom teeth out. Yay. This is the least of all the others I think. My wisdom teefers have been in for a good year or more and they won't even put me under. Just yank those babies out and I'll be good to go.

But really, I am grateful that I have the blessing of being able to go to a dentist and have my teeth fixed and my parents' insurance will cover it. For this, I will be eternally grateful.

I am not, however grateful for numb faces and drooling on my self with sideway smiles.

Nursing School

Wooooooo!! I got accepted to Nursing School! After two years of hardcore prerequisites, I made the grades to get in! Yess! :) I'm so proud of myself.